Regular readers of our Utah Business Law Blog might recall that we recently published a post that described the main advantages and disadvantages of a couple of business legal structures: sole proprietorship and general partnership. We’re going to delve into more pros...
Legal Experience and Local Roots
Offering professional legal services to individuals and businesses since 1986.
Business Organizations
Ten traits to look for in a business partner
Starting a business is supposed to be an exciting experience; you are chasing your dreams and working your way up from the bottom to reach the ultimate status of success. But starting a business is also an extremely challenging experience. Luckily, finding a business...
It’s important that your St. George business remains compliant
If you've researched setting up a business in Utah, then you've likely read about compliance. This concept refers to the regulations, laws and rules that your business is required to abide by. Some examples of these may include having to pay taxes, taking out a...
St. George ranks as the second-best small city to open a business
A report published by the personal finance website WalletHub on April 22 gave St. George another title to boast about. The southern Utah city has been designated as the second-best small city to set up a new business. Cedar City ranks 19th. Five other cities in the...
Why going into business with your family can be a good thing
There are many reasons for choosing to go into business with family members. After all, many of us believe that blood is thicker than water. Many people tend to feel as if they can trust those that they're related to more than others with whom they share no blood...
Women entrepreneurs are offered venture capital far less than men
A researcher with the University of Utah's Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy noticed a gender gap when she looked at how many women business owners there are compared with male ones in the state. She set out learn why that's the case by conducting a detailed...
What is a promissory note and how should it be written?
If you've taken out student loans before, then you've likely heard the terminology "promissory note" thrown around. You may not have heard of it used in the context of business operations though, but it operates much the same as it does in any other situation. Put...
Understanding the benefits of publicly-held corporations
Many companies in the state of Utah decide to keep their shares private between owners, and there are many potential benefits to this. These companies are often referred to as closely held companies. Other companies, however, come to the conclusion that it will be...
Independent contractor agreements protect each party’s interests
Any time anyone enters into a business relationship with someone else, it can always be helpful for the two parties to draft a contract. It should define their relationship with one another, what services will be provided and for what amount of pay, as well as...
A joint venture agreement is legally binding like other contracts
If you've ever seen one of the many different business investment shows on television, you've likely heard the terminology "core competency" used. It has to do with a company defining what they do well so that they can use it to their competitive advantage. When two...